The INTP is a thinker throughout. With introverted thinking (Ti) as their primary function, otherwise known as subjective logic, and extroverted intuition as their auxiliary function (Ne), otherwise known as objective intuition, INTPs are most often times living in their minds, where they ponder reality and existence constantly, sometimes to the point of no longer understanding what existence actually is and venturing into a low level schizophrenic state. INTPs are the kind of personality that knows everything and anything, but holds onto this knowledge as a part of who they are, and do not like to share the information.

The world of subjective logic to an INTP is one where there is constant questioning, and no answers. Questions are answered with new questions, forever. Its not uncommon to find groups of INTPs having entire conversations with only questions. Often about existence, or philosophical topics. INTPs differ from ISTPs because ISTPs need to see their theories made tangible, or else they feel they are wasting their time. INTPs on the other hand, utilize objective intuition by taking a fact, and then splitting it apart into its most basic molecular format, and then seeing where all the molecules connect. Nothing cannot be dissected. More than any other type, if given an order, INTPs are most likely to ask, “But who are you to command me?” and then drift into thought as to why command structure exists in the first place.

INTPs do not understand how to handle volitional force exuded by extroverted sensors, and extroverted sensing is ultimately alien to them. They often wonder what all the flashy colors are all about, and wonder why someone would bring that kind of attention to themselves.

Physically, INTPs expression can vary. Some of them are smiling, warm and friendly, others are completely closed off and cold, with a heavy judgemental vibe about them. Whether you know it or not, INTPs will judge you as an organism on the earth, and whether or not this organism is capable of compiling a rational argument. That’s about as far as it goes. The more colder rational INTPs can be rather intimidating because of their cold Ti demeanor. This is often not indicative of how they actually feel. Some INTPs are lost in their heads and care only about themselves and their close loved ones, and believe “In the grand scheme of things, anything more than that is wasted effort. What is friendship?”

In relationships, INTPs can become very caring. While in most cases, they are forgetful and neglectful of their bodily needs, as they work on their Si and Fe, they can begin to take on a more caring and nurturing role toward others and themselves. The internal world of an INTP varies. Depending on enneagram, it can range from a depressing doomsday apocalypse, to an empty imperceptible void. INTPs will often suffer from nihilistic thought at the idea that they are lost and worthless in the grand picture of the universe. “If anything goes wrong, just remind yourself, the earth is currently spiraling into a black hole.” As such, they need a partner who values and treasures the small things in the universe. Someone who finds joy and pleasure in the simplest things, and can help teach the INTP to treasure their time spent on the earth while it lasts. As the INTP is lost in the constant perception of what the universe actually is, they oftentimes forget to narrow their focus down to ground level where life is innocent, simple and naive. The size of their scope will often render them feeling like lost powerless children, and they often wonder, “what’s the point in trying?” Like the rest of the NTP and SFJ personalities, INTPs view on life is often very carefree and naive. Life is short, enjoy every small bit of it while it lasts. The best match for an INTP is the ESFJ.

Common Identities: The Intellect, The Brain, The Cosmic Observer, The Skeptic, The Lone Scientist, the Surrealist.

Recommended Careers: Scientist, Teacher, Engineer, Philosopher, Park Ranger, Lawyers, Programmers, Technical Writers.

Commonly mistyped as: INTJ, ENTJ, INFP, INFJ.

Common enneagram typings are: 1 5 8 9

Famous INTPs include: Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin, Alan Greenspan, Karl Urban, Ben Browder, Claudia Black, Jerry O’Connell, Kevin Spacey.

Fictional INTPs include: Dr. Frankenstein, Morla (Neverending Story)

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